In this tutorial, we will be showing you how to properly write your ticket before submitting it. By including the right information, our team will be able to resolve your issue as efficiently as possible.

1. Include a direct URL to the location of the issue

  • Include a link to the page wherever there’s an error

2. Include screenshots if necessary

  • Attach a screenshot of any error screens

3. Be specific

  • Be clear on what issue(s) you are having and what needs to be fixed
  • Include any details that may be relevant, such as previously attempted solutions

4. Include both preferred name and legal name

  • To ensure that we can easily find the student(s) in our system, please include their legal name as well as their preferred name

5. Respect is Appreciated

  • Please remember that there are humans on the receiving end of your ticket
  • Under no circumstances should our staff be insulted, belittled, or harassed in any way

How to format your ticket

Course name:


URL(s) of page(s) that require attention: