This will explain the Reports Tab, the data it holds, and its function.

The Reports Tab is where teachers can visit to run more in depth reports than from the other tabs.  In general, each tab of DLCgo pulls from a different data table (Students Tab = demographics, Enrollments Tab = sections students are enrolled in, etc).  The Reports Tab offers various ways to combine data to get a report that is useful.

There are two main ways to build a report using the left hand navigation menu: Student Export and Report Builder.  In both cases, you will only be able to access student data from your students.  Both of these functions allow teachers to select field names to collate into a report.

Note: A field name that starts with Audit is typically an administrative field (when was something created, changed, entered, deleted, etc).

The Run Report function allows you to run a saved report.

As with most reports in DLCgo, you can always export the reports that you build or run to excel by clicking the Export Results to Excel button that is always found in the top right corner of DLCgo pages:

Student Export

This report interface is generally easier to use because there is less data.  The only information available is from the students demographic information (Students Tab).

To build a report:

  1. Select the fields you would like to include in your report.  Note – you will need to hold down the CTRL button to select multiple fields. 
  2. Click the >> button to move the field(s) into the report.  If you need more, repeat step 1.  If you made a mistake, select the field in the right hand window and move it back with the << button.
  3. Optional: If you would like to filter the report so it is more manageable or more practical, then do so with the following filters: 

To use these filters, you select the field you want to filter in a left hand dropdown.  Then directly beside it, select the way you would like to filter it.  For example, you could run a report with FirstName, LastName, and Affiliation.  Then, filter the Affiliation so that only full time students are displayed:

If you need more filtering, continue with this step until you are done.  Note that the fields are not case sensitive.

  1. Click the Get Data button.
  2. Optional: At the bottom of the interface, you can give the report a name, description, then save it.  Please save your report with the notation: First Name – Report Name.  The Report gets saved in the Run Report function. 

Report Builder

This function allows for more robust reports, pulling from multiple data tables (tabs).  To build a report with report builder:

  1. Select the fields in each of the windows you would like to include in the report.  You can choose multiple fields in the same window by holding the CTRL button.  You can also use the CTRL+F find function in your browser to look for a field if you are unsure where it is. 

Each of the windows represent a different data table.  Here is a quick breakdown of each:

Student Data: Demographic information, and information from the registration form.

Enrollment Data: Information about the student’s enrollment (start date, end date, grade, etc).

Section Data: Information about the section students are enrolled in.

Course Data: Information about the course the enrollment is tied to.  This data is typically not very useful since students enroll in sections.

Teacher Data: Information about the teacher of the section.


Note: you will only have access to the data of your students, sections, etc.

  1. Optional: If you would like to filter the report so it is more manageable or more practical, then do so with the following filters:

To use these filters, you select the field you want to filter in a left hand dropdown.  Then directly beside it, select the way you would like to filter it.  For example, you could run a report with FirstName, LastName, and Affiliation.  Then, filter the Affiliation so that only full time students are displayed:

If you need more filtering, continue with this step until you are done.  Note that the fields are not case sensitive.

  1. Click Get Data button.
  2. Optional: At the bottom of the interface, you can give the report a name, description, then save it.  Please save your report with the notation: First Name – Report Name.  The Report gets saved in the Run Report function.

Run Report

The Run Report function simply allows teachers to run reports that they have previously built and saved.

To run a report:

  1. Select the name of the report from the dropdown list: 
  2. Click the Run Report button.