Activity: Viewing reports

Have a go at using reports to review student activity and course completion

In a course in which you have teacher rights, take a look at the activity completion report.

  • Go to the navigation block and you should see that your course is expanded (you will see the short name of the course) and within the list of options are reports
  • Click on the activity completion report (the last one in the list)
  • You will see all the activities across the top of the table and students enrolled on the left of the table.  Each row will have a tick in it to show if the student has completed that activity.

There are two ways for teachers to view the course completion report.  This is either from the course completion block or from the reports menu.

From the course completion block

  • In the course completion status box you will have a link to view the course report. Click on this see a tick for each student that has completed each of the required activities.
  • If you have set up a role (such as a teacher) to manually approve the course completion, it is from this screen that the teacher will tick to approve for each student.

If you are enrolled as a student on the course (as well as being enrolled as a teacher)  you cannot use this option as you will always see your own course completion status (ie: how many activities you have completed).

From the reports menu

  • Go to the navigation block and you should see that your course is expanded (you will see the short name of the course) and within the list of options is reports
  • Click on the course completion report (the first one in the list)
  • You will see all the activities across the top of the table and students enrolled on the left of the table.  Each row will have a tick in it to show if the student has completed that activity.
  • If you have set up a role (such as a teacher) to manually approve the course completion, it is from this screen that the teacher will tick to approve for each student.

Students will see their report through the course completion block only.