File Naming System – Subjects and Others
Files will be named according to the following conventions:
Subject Abbreviation: Course names have been made into an abbreviation of letters between 2 and 5 letters in length (see table below).
Numbers will be two characters – 01, 02, 03, etc. for all grades levels, assignments, units, etc. For Kindergarten, the number is 00 (K doesn’t work).
There will be three levels of descriptions.
Description Level 1
- Unit (U)
Theme (T)
Module (M)
Strand (S)
Chapter (C)
Global (G)
Introduction (I)
Strategy guide - (SG)
Test - (T)
Cumulative review - (CR)
Practice test - (PT)
Math lab - (ML)
Description Level 2
Lesson (L)
Handout (H)
Assessment (A)
Worksheets (W)
Worksheet Key (WK)
Description Level 3
Part (P)
Version (V)
Draft (D)
Close Caption (CC)
Topic Name (brief description text placeholder)
The order will be:
Subject Abbreviation – Description 1 – Description 2 – Description 3
his20U01L03 (History 20 Unit 1 Lesson 3)
ela00T03L04P02 (ELA Kindergarten Theme 3 Lesson 4 Part 2)
arts5daL03 (Arts 5 Dance Strand Lesson 3)
acc30U02A02V02 (Accounting 30 Unit 2 Assessment 2 Version 2)
mf20U03L02V02CC (Math Foundations 20 Unit 2 Lesson 2 Version 2 CC)
If you think that you have an exception to the rule, please email [email protected]
List of Subject Abbreviations
Subject | Abbreviation |
Accounting | acc |
Ag Business | ab |
Ag Studies | ag |
Ag-Tech Cow/Calf | atcc |
Ag-Tech Crop Production | atcp |
Alimentation 10 | ali10 |
Alimentation 20 | ali20 |
Alimentation 30 | ali30 |
Anatomy | anat |
Animation | ani |
AP Bio | apbio |
AP Calculus | apcal |
AP Chemistry | apche |
AP English | apeng |
AP Physics | apphy |
AP Psychology | appsy |
Arts Education | arts |
ASFP | asfp |
Astronomy | astr |
Baseball | bb |
Dance | da |
Visual Arts | va |
Drama | dr |
Music | mu |
Astronomy | ast |
Autobody | auto |
Biology | bio |
Calculus | calc |
Chemistry | chem |
Christian Ethics | ce |
Communication Media | cm |
Computer Science | cs |
Construction & Carpentry | cc |
Cosmetology | cos |
Creative Writing | cw |
Cyber Security | cyse |
Digital Media and Web Design | dm |
Drafting and CAD | cad |
Earth Science | es |
Electrical and Electronics | elec |
Energry and Mines | ener |
English Language Arts | ela |
Entrepreneurship | entr |
Environmental Science | env |
Equine Studies | eq |
Exercise Science | exer |
Field Crop | fc |
Financial Literacy | fl |
Food Studies | fs |
Forensic Science | fsci |
French (Core) | fr |
Francais immersion | fra |
Francais integre A20 | fia20 |
Francais integre B20 | fib20 |
Graphic Arts | ga |
Hairtyling and Esthetics | haes |
Health | hea |
Health Science | hs |
History | his |
Histoire | h |
Indigenous Studies | is |
Information Processing | info |
Interior Design | id |
Interior Design and Decorating | idd |
IT Fundamentals | itf |
IT Support Technician | itst |
Law | law |
Leadership | lead |
Life Transitions | life |
Math | math |
Math Foundations | mf |
Math Pre-Calculus | mpc |
Math Workplace and Apprenticeship | mwa |
Mechanics | mech |
Media Studies | ms |
Mental Wellness | mw |
Native Studies | ns |
Network Technician | nt |
Oilfield Boiler | oil |
PAA Pathways | paa |
Paleontology | pale |
Parts Technician | pt |
Personal Finance | pf |
Photography | phot |
Phys Ed | pe |
Physical Science | ps |
Physics | phys |
Pre-Calculus | pc |
Psychology | psy |
Power Engineering | pow |
Science | sci |
Science Sociales | sciso |
Social Studies | ss |
Small Engines | se |
Tourisme 10 | t10 |
Tourisme 20 | t20 |
Visual Arts | va |
Web Design | wd |
Welding | weld |
Wildlife Management | wm |
### Specialty "Courses" ### | |
Careers | car |
Genius | gen |
Marketing | mark |
Moodle | moo |
SST | sst |
Teaching Strategies | teach |
Tech Help | tech |
How to name video titles for YouTube
Videos will be titled in the following way:
Course name – Unit – Lesson: Title
History 20 – Unit 2 – Lesson 7: The Rise of Hitler in Germany
No generic titles such as “Lesson 1” or “Example 2.” The reasoning behind this is that we need the videos to be searchable in case of a Lotto 649 winning, the teacher leaves, and the school needs access to the videos.
It will also help students as they will be able to see what video they are watching.
Embedding Videos
Embed a video when you want a student to watch one video. A playlist should be used when you want to easily change out videos without updating the embed code. For example, you can make a playlist of your teacher introduction and then the course introduction. Then if the teacher introduction needs to change, you can update the playlist without having to change the embed code In your online course.