Using the Templates

Sask DLC branded templates are available on the Staff Resources section of the M drive here: BrandingandTemplates

To use the templates, please download the file to your local computer to save your work in your own files. 

It is recommended to bookmark the Branding Templates folder on the Staff Resources section of the M drive to ensure you are always using the most current version of the file. 

Student handout template:

This is the Word file you can use handouts or activities for students that don’t already exist within your course.

View/Download File

Sask DLC Document template

This Word document template can be used for internal and external materials, including guidelines, procedures, information guides, etc. It can be customized to meet your department’s needs. Note: Sask DLC’s logo is only needed on the first page of the document. 

View/Download File

Letterhead Template:

This is Sask DLC’s electronic letterhead to be used when drafting official letters for signature. Please do not use for other types of documents.  Note: Emails with your email signature are an official form of communication within government, so formal letters may not always be required. 

View/Download File 

PowerPoint Template:

This branded PowerPoint template is to be used for all external presentations or events. 

View/Download File

Meeting Agenda Template:

This template can be used when drafting agendas for external meetings with stakeholders. 

View/Download File

TEAMS Background:

This Sask DLC branded background can be added to your Teams channel to use during meetings, as needed. 

View/Download File

Sask DLC Brand Guide:

This guide reflects the brand of Sask DLC and includes our colors, fonts, logos, voice and tone as well as example images, graphic elements, icons and background patterns.

View/Download File